Through my Filipino fitness channel I will be showing how I am getting fit at 40, it is my goal for this year through my Filipino fitness blogs showing a Filipino mum getting fit at 40.
Being part of the Filipino fitness YouTubers community I am enjoying as a mom getting fit once again – I used to be a Filipino model in my twenties and now my goal is to become a Filipino fitness model through my 30-week fitness challenge.
I started this 30-week challenge heavier than when I was 9 months pregnant.
I have lost 11 kg in 8 weeks without any cardio or counting calories just by simply getting into the gym and lifting weights.
Throughout this getting fit at 40 challenge, I am being coached by Mark who has been a natural bodybuilder for nearly 40 years and competed in 5 natural bodybuilding shows.
I was always told in the past at local gyms, you need to count calories and do loads of cardio but Mark kept telling me that was not the case, I needed to eat healthily and lift weights and sure enough, as soon as I started this new regime I noticed significant results.
90% of people who do diets are heavier 6 months later than when they started – with this new regime we stay lean and strong.
I hope my Filipino fitness blogs help motivate you in getting into a gym and I hope you enjoy watching me getting fit at 40.
I turned 40 in September 2019 and have 2 young children and am really enjoying being a Filipino mum getting fit.
For those gym essentials to enhance your training:
To keep track on how active you have been during the day and how many calories burned – here is a great pedometer:
Fat Gripz Extreme :- increase the diameter of the dumbells or barbells to increase the intensity of arm workouts, increase grip strength plus give a greater range of motion for chest and back workouts.
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You have to protect your lower back and nothing beats a leather training belt and a good belt will last a life time.
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Wrist straps to enable you to keep lifting beyond your grip strength:
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If you enjoyed this Filipina fitness video then please leave a like and comment as it all helps motivate me.
For more Filipino fitness check out my playlist entitled ” Filipino fitness YouTubers -Filipino fitness – Filipina fitness – Filipino bodybuilding”