Karen Ranzi talks with Tami and Ashley at the 2013 Woodstock Fruit Festival. Both beautiful young adults transitioned from meat and potatoes straight to a low fat raw vegan lifestyle. They talk about the books and online low fat raw vegans who inspired them to skip vegetarian, vegan, and go straight to low fat raw vegan foods. They also talk about their healing from illness. Tami came from a family of cattle ranchers, and lived on steak and potatoes. Her recent bloodwork shows how healthy she is. Ashley was on the Paleo Diet but ended up in the hospital, close to having her gall bladder removed, when she woke up to what she needed to do….a low fat raw vegan lifestyle!
To register for the 2014 Woodstock Fruit Festival,
go to www.thewoodstockfruitfestival.com
Karen Ranzi would appreciate if you sponsor her as she is one of the pioneers.
For more information on raising healthy raw vegan children,
go to www.superhealthychildren.com
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