Lose Weight Fast with DETOX Water Recipes for WEIGHT LOSS Detox Cleansing tea drink lemon & ginger

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Is it possible to lose weight fast with detox water recipes. Do these recipes work for weight loss?

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Can you learn how to lose weight Fast – Fast and easy weight loss with ginger lemon detox water? Can you have fast weight loss naturally with Ginger Lemon Detox Water? – Can you Lose up to 10 pounds in one week and lose weight super fast?

Probably not…I know not what you were expecting, but in this video I want to go over the topic of detoxing and as promised I will give you some popular detox drinks. However, before I give you these recipes I want you to promise me that your not just gonna go run off to make these recipes because you have to hear what science has to say about the topic of detoxing first. This way you can decide for yourself if making these drinks is even something that you really want to spend your time on and if detoxing is actually even a real thing.

3 top detox water recipes

“Slimming Detox Drink”
½ gallon purified water
½ lemon, sliced
½ lime, sliced
½ grapefruit, sliced
1 cup cucumber, sliced

“Metabolism Boosting Detox Drink”
1 inch Ginger Root, peeled and sliced
1 cup of preferably frozen Mango but fresh is fine too
In a big pitcher of water

“Fat Burning Detox Recipe”
1 lime, thinly sliced
5 inch cucumber, sliced into rings
5 mint leaves
In a pitcher of water

The idea behind detoxing is all about toxins and getting them out of your body. These toxins which are talked about very vaguely in the detox industry come from everywhere including our food, chemicals in the air, and pretty much anywhere else you can think of. The reason we are told that we should detoxify our body is because we are lead to believe that our body can’t do it efficiently on its own and the toxins somehow get backed up in our system. If this is true it means that yes we now need a detox drink to get all those toxins out. However, this may not be true.

Edzard Ernst is a professor of complementary medicine at Exeter University. He says that
If toxins did build up in a way your body couldn’t excrete, he says, you’d likely be dead or in need of serious medical intervention. “The healthy body has kidneys, a liver, skin, even lungs that are detoxifying as we speak,” “There is no known way – certainly not through detox treatments – to make something that works perfectly well in a healthy body work better.”

Other than living a healthy lifestyle there is no need to detoxify the body. And if you haven’t been living a healthy lifestyle all you have to do to detoxify the body is start living a healthy lifestyle. This detox thing has become a huge fad. By creating a supposed toxin problem, detox marketers have capitalized on fear and ignorance, and have made and continue to make millions upon millions of dollars doing so. It is important to understand that basically anything can be toxic; Have you ever actually asked yourself, “does your body need help with detoxification to begin with.” I mean you have to ask because this whole detox thing is a relatively new phenomenon. Your body is already very good at detoxifying your system on its own.

You’re body has natural ways to deal with toxins by itself can be summed up with the 4 p’s

peeing – You’re kidneys will flush waste out of your system. Make sure you drink enough water and try to stay hydrated enough to keep your pee looking almost transparent. If you take vitamins your pee may look a little more yellow.

pooping – Eat more fiber and drink more water to encourage more bowel movements. Eat beans and you’ll be well on your way to detoxifying your system probably better than apple cider vinegar can.

Perspiring – You’re skin is the single largest organ of elimination. This is why I tell people you have to sweat. You’re pores are most open to detoxing when you exercise and work up a sweat regularly. If you’re too lazy to exercise you’re in luck there are some alternatives. Using a sauna, steam room, or taking an Epsom salt bath will help you sweat and detoxify. Keep in mind though that when you exercise you end up getting many other benefits than just sweating

Pranayama – People that are into yoga would explain this as regulating your breath. This is essentially deep breathing, Pranayama is a practice where you consciously try to take deeper breaths where you try to breathe deep into your belly. Now sitting there taking deep breaths may not be the best way to detoxify using your lungs. I promise you that if you do some intense exercising you won’t be breathing like short shallow breaths, you’re going to be breathing really really deep. Exercise is known to improve the power of your lungs.

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