Vegan Lifestyle| What Is Vegan?

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The difference between a Vegan lifestyle and that of a typical person primarily is the lack of meat consumed in a Vegan lifestyle. However, many people believe vegetarians will still eat dairy products and other similar foods. While this is somewhat correct, it’s a major difference between vegetarian and vegan. People who are true Vegans will not eat any animal related products, and they do not encourage the consumption of animal related products. Also, true vegans do not wear any animal related products. This would include items such as milk, yogurt, butter, eggs, leather clothing and also anything that can cause harm to animals during production.

Many people mistakenly believe that Vegetarianism and Veganism are the exact same thing. However, those who are vegetarian will consume animal related products such as eggs, milk, dairy, yogurt and other similar foods that do not particular cause the animals life to be in danger. Foods such as meat are still avoided though. This is a significant difference from Vegan’s who do not consume such foods. In order to really determine which type of lifestyle is best for you and your family, you would need to look over your typical eating habits. Many people discover that Vegan is something that is far too strict for them to abide by on a normal basis and instead opt for a vegetarian lifestyle instead.

There are so many different phrases and jargon terms that are used to describe a healthier lifestyle that often it is virtually impossible to determine exactly what Vegan is and what it is not. In order to fully understand something it is vital that you be fully aware of what is expected, and for many Vegans it is an insult if you confuse Veganism with another type of eating life style.


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00:00-00:13 intro
00:14-04:02 What is vegan



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